
Psychiatry killed Tuva Andersson whose problem was anxiety

Published on June 30, 2023

By Peter C Gøtzsche
Institute for Scientific Freedom


Tuva Andersson was 37 years old when she committed suicide. Her mother wanted me to tell her story hoping it might prevent other tragic and unnecessary deaths.

Tuva suffered from anxiety, which should have been handled by psychosocial interventions. Instead, she was exposed to professional incompetence, gross medical negligence, malpractice, stigmatisation by a variety of fluffy, ever changing, and unspecific diagnoses, polypharmacy with psychiatric drugs, and forced treatment with a depot neuroleptic.

During the last year of Tuva’s life, her psychiatrists took away her hope of ever leaving psychiatry and becoming better, which is the worst thing a psychiatrist can do to a patient, as it increases the suicide risk dramatically.

During this time, Tuva was at very high risk of suicide; she had nothing to live for; and yet the psychiatrists’ only concern was to continue to write prescriptions for drugs that clearly harmed her. When Tuva had difficulty concentrating and focussing or had other issues, the psychiatrists consistently ascribed this to her psychiatric “illness,” not to their drugs, in contrast to some alert nurses.

Tuva so much wanted to come off her drugs but the psychiatrists ignored her. And she did not get the psychotherapy she requested repeatedly, which would likely have saved her life.

Read my 15-page summary of this gruesome story here.


Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals

Published on June 27, 2023

By Peter C Gøtzsche

The business model of predatory scientific journals constitutes consumer fraud as it deceives many people who buy into something they do not get. I receive about 20 invitations per week to publish in predatory journals and two to present research at predatory conferences. I have published an article about these “invitations,” which even included one to submit my preprint manuscript about invitations to publish in predatory journals.

Professor of psychology John Read about what is wrong with psychiatry

Published on June 26, 2023

John Read tells Denise Winn about his work showing adverse life events explain most types of emotional distress, and how the medical model ignores it in the article “Lack of insight: the story of psychiatry.” This article, and the editorial, “Where’s the madness?” are very insightful.

The logic is straightforward, but in psychiatry, things are different to the rest of healthcare. As John says: “In any other branch of medicine, if you had a drug that increased the thing it was supposed to be decreasing, it would be off the market.”

Read about the story of psychiatry.

The government has a moral duty to help those harmed by prescribed dependence forming drugs

Published on June 21, 2023

26% of adults in England was prescribed a dependence forming drug in the previous year, for example, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, Z-drugs, GABA-ergic and opioids. The government has a moral duty to help those harmed. See our open letter in BMJ:

Our medicines are the third leading cause of death

Published on June 21, 2023

I explain briefly in this article why our medicines are the third leading cause of death; why we generally cannot trust our drug regulators and other authorities; that vaccines have saved millions of lives and still do, but that those against influenza and COVID-19 are not particularly effective; and what you can do yourself to reduce the risk that you become one of the millions who died because they took a drug they didn’t really need. Read the article here.

Videos of tardive dyskinesia and akathisia

Published on June 19, 2023

Even though tardive dyskinesia – and also akathisia, which it resembles – are serious, horrible and common harms of psychiatric drugs, they are often overlooked or deliberately ignored by psychiatrists. I have just published an article on Mad in America about these conditions, which have links to the videos below.

US actor Joey Marino can no longer act, as he is in terrible pain and has constant involuntary muscle movements after treatment with neuroleptics. The other video is also heart-breaking. It shows people who suffer from tardive dyskinesia or akathisia. Some of the children have become permanently brain damaged to an unbelievable degree.

Dear reader. I have a plea for you. Please spread information about my article everywhere you can. Neuroleptics are enforced on patients with the untenable arguments that they are good for them, which psychiatrists routinely claim they cannot dispute because they lack insight into their disease.

This is abhorrent and forced treatment must stop. Some of the patients are afraid of dying because they have seen patients being killed by neuroleptics.

Sunday Times: The Chinese virus was likely manufactured in Wuhan as part of a secret bioweapons programme

Published on June 12, 2023

By Peter C Gøtzsche
Institute for Scientific Freedom

This is the conclusion of a detailed investigation published by the Sunday Times on 10 June. I must admit that even though I knew that the virus that has so far caused 7 million deaths was highly likely fabricated in Wuhan (see my book, “The Chinese virus”, which is freely available) and that the Chinese military was involved with this research, I always thought it far-fetched that the research could be part of a bioweapons programme.

But after having read the article, this seems likely to me. Read the article, and judge for yourself, please. And call for a total ban on these extremely dangerous gain-of-function experiments that, as far as I know, are still being carried out in Wuhan and elsewhere.

Kritisk psykiatrisk lærebog: en ny psykiatri er nødvendig

Published on June 7, 2023

Af Peter C Gøtzsche

Lærebøger i psykiatri er utroværdige. Psykiatrien må laves radikalt om. Se min lærebog, Critical Psychiatry Textbook, som man kan hente gratis på min hjemmeside.

I hele verden er der et opgør på vej med den traditionelle, såkaldt biologiske psykiatri. Årsagerne er indlysende. Jo mere, man behandler med psykofarmaka, jo værre går det for patienterne, og jo flere kommer på førtidspension, fordi de ikke kan færdiggøre en uddannelse eller få sig et arbejde.

Psykofarmaka kan ikke gøre patienterne raske og gør dem ofte mere syge, end de var i forvejen.

Kritikken kommer ikke kun fra patienterne og deres pårørende, men også fra psykiaterne selv. …

Robotic rejections of highly relevant letters to the editor of World Psychiatry about patient safety

Published on June 6, 2023

By Peter C Gøtzsche

On 9 May, Bruce Arroll et al. argued in a letter to the editor of World Psychiatry, why patients with a depressive condition should not get a prescription for an antidepressant at their first visit to a general practitioner but at a later stage, if at all.

I agreed but had reservations with their arguments and argued why these drugs should not be used at all, for anyone, which I explained in a letter to the editor: …

Predatory journal “invites” me to submit my preprint manuscript about invitations to publish in predatory journals

Published on June 2, 2023

By Peter C Gøtzsche

I had expected this to happen but was still a bit surprised when it did happen. This is the email I received today, from Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs inviting me to publish my preprint article “Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals.” This journal is published by the Omics group based in India, a well-known predatory publisher that I mention in my article. I need say no more. Should we laugh or cry or scream out loud?

From: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs <>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 1:43 PM
Subject: Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals
Importance: High

Dear Dr. Peter C Gøtzsche,
Greetings from Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs

We have gone through your unpublished work entitled “Review of invitations to publish in predatory scientific journals” and enthralled to know about your reputation and commitment.

We strongly believe that this potential research would be beneficial to the people working in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Hereby we request you to kindly submit your manuscript to get published in our journal. We assure you that it reaches several global medical readers.

You can submit your manuscript as an attachment to this e-mail or directly through Journal’s online portal.

Looking forward for your response
Have a nice day ahead.

With Best Regards
Catherine G
Editorial Team
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs