
”YouSee er nogle værre banditter”

Sådan sagde min ellers afdæmpede bankrådgiver, efter at YouSee havde chikaneret mig så meget, at jeg ville sikre mig, at de ikke kunne trække et beløb, jeg ikke skyldte dem, via betalingsservice med tilbagevirkende kraft. Jeg opsagde i en e-mail mit telefon- og bredbåndsabonnement 22/8 til udløb 30/9, men fik til svar, at jeg ”ønskede”

”YouSee er nogle værre banditter” Read More »

Unjustified attack on randomised trials and evidence-based medicine from an epidemiologist

By Peter C Gøtzsche Two weeks ago, US epidemiologist Harvey Risch published a paper criticising evidence-based medicine (EBM) and its reliance on randomised clinical trials (RCTs) quite substantially. At the same time, he praised observational studies based on arguments that are untenable. After Gordon Guyatt had coined the term EBM in the early 1990s, some

Unjustified attack on randomised trials and evidence-based medicine from an epidemiologist Read More »

Big marketing hoax: Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not anti-inflammatory

By Peter C Gøtzsche The name non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) suggests that NSAIDs reduce inflammation like corticosteroids do, but this is not correct. In a meta-analysis of the placebo-controlled trials, they did not reduce the swelling of finger joints measured by jeweller rings in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. And in a placebo-controlled trial in 173

Big marketing hoax: Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not anti-inflammatory Read More »

Fluoxetine in children and adolescents with depression is unsafe and ineffective

By Peter C Gøtzsche Psychiatrist David Healy and I have restored the two pivotal fluoxetine trials in children and adolescents with depression, which led to approval of this drug for minors. This drug, or any other depression pill, should never have been approved for children, as they do not work and double the risk of

Fluoxetine in children and adolescents with depression is unsafe and ineffective Read More »