
Medicating Normal: a documentary film about how psychiatric drugs destroy people

I am convinced that Medicating Normal is the best documentary ever made about how psychiatric drugs destroy people. Everyone with an interest in psychiatry must see this brilliant and very moving film. More than once, actually. The film can be seen for free. For over three years, the filmmakers documented the journey of five individuals

Medicating Normal: a documentary film about how psychiatric drugs destroy people Read More »

Hvordan journalister vildleder befolkningen om psykiatri: Adskillige fejl i Jyllands-Posten om voksen ADHD

En artikel i Jyllands-Posten fra den 14. april var meget frustrerende at læse, men typisk for den helt ukritiske måde, journalister skriver om psykiatri på. Den handlede om, at markant flere midaldrende og ældre får en ADHD-diagnose i dag end tidligere. Det forventer man, at læserne skal synes, er godt. Læs min artikel her.

Hvordan journalister vildleder befolkningen om psykiatri: Adskillige fejl i Jyllands-Posten om voksen ADHD Read More »

Deadly psychiatry and dead ends

Chapter 14 in my 2015 book, “Deadly psychiatry and organised denial,” contains the documentation that led to my conclusion that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. What is particularly noteworthy is that I am not speaking about the third leading cause of death among psychiatric patients, but

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Role of health authorities in denying the withdrawal problem with depression drugs

By Peter C Gøtzsche Institute for Scientific Freedom Copenhagen 5 Dec 2023 Summary  Official guidelines and statements from the authorities and psychiatrists have denied for decades that depression drugs can cause dependence, and this denial is still seen today. They also underestimate substantially the severity and duration of the withdrawal symptoms. They provide dangerous advice

Role of health authorities in denying the withdrawal problem with depression drugs Read More »