
Psychiatrist professor Joanna Moncrieff explains that antidepressants don’t work

In an interview published in Sunday Times on 12 January 2025 (read the article here), psychiatrist professor Joanna Moncrieff explains that, depression is not a physical illness antidepressants don’t work there is no evidence that depression is caused by low serotonin (the chemical imbalance myth) it is a delusion that emotional problems can be resolved […]

Psychiatrist professor Joanna Moncrieff explains that antidepressants don’t work Read More »

Fraud in the two pivotal trials of fluoxetine in children with depression

Fluoxetine (Prozac) from Eli Lilly was the first SSRI approved for depression in children and adolescents. But it doesn’t work and it increases the risk of suicide and violence. After having reviewed Lilly’s unpublished clinical study reports, which we got from a drug agency,  psychiatrist David Healy and I concluded that fluoxetine is both unsafe and

Fraud in the two pivotal trials of fluoxetine in children with depression Read More »

Report on improving mental health outcomes

In this report, we explain that the mental health system’s standard treatments are colossally counterproductive and harmful, often forced on unwilling patients. The overreliance on psychiatric drugs is reducing the recovery rate and life expectancy of people diagnosed with serious mental illness dramatically. Psychiatric incarceration, euphemistically called “involuntary commitment,” is similarly counterproductive and harmful, adding

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Alternative medicine is no alternative

Also called complementary medicine, there is no commonly accepted definition of alternative medicine which might delineate a logical boundary to other treatments. Most definitions say it is not presently considered part of conventional medicine. That could be translated into: It does not work. If it worked, doctors would be happy to use it – and would

Alternative medicine is no alternative Read More »

Of mites and men: Ineffective interventions against house dust mites, institutional corruption and Cochrane fraud

Some people with asthma are allergic to house dust mites, and many physical and chemical methods have been tried to eradicate the mites or reduce their occurrence. One of my researchers, Cecilia Hammarquist from Sweden, wanted to review the trials, which we did. This is a hilarious story illustrating that there are no limits to

Of mites and men: Ineffective interventions against house dust mites, institutional corruption and Cochrane fraud Read More »

Big Pharma is organised crime

In 2013, I published the book, Deadly medicines and organised crime: How big pharma has corrupted health care, which won the British Medical Association’s Annual Book Award in 2014, in the category Basis of Medicine. It has appeared in 18 languages. In 2014, I lectured about drugs in Santa Rosa in California at Dr. John

Big Pharma is organised crime Read More »