
Fake psychiatric diagnoses

By Peter C Gøtzsche. On April fool’s day, 1 April 2006, Ray Moynihan from Sydney published the article, “Scientists find new disease: motivational deficiency disorder,” in the BMJ. The article starts this way: “Extreme laziness may have a medical basis, say a group of high profile Australian scientists, describing a new condition called motivational deficiency

Fake psychiatric diagnoses Read More »

The Cochrane Tapes reveal one of the worst show trials ever conducted in academia

Researcher and journalist Maryanne Demasi published today an account of the Cochrane show trial against Peter Gøtzsche (me) and of subsequent events. I have uploaded the Cochrane Tapes, with an introduction and explanations. The show trial was intended to be kept secret, but the tapes from the Governing Board meeting were leaked. They show that

The Cochrane Tapes reveal one of the worst show trials ever conducted in academia Read More »

The head of WHO’s COVID-19 mission reveals China’s total cover up on Danish TV

On 12 August 2021, Danish TV2 broadcast a brilliant documentary about WHO’s mission to China. The film is unique for understanding the scale and nature of the systematic Chinese cover up about the origin of SARS-CoV-19. I wanted to share its messages with the rest of the world and have provided a comprehensive summary, with

The head of WHO’s COVID-19 mission reveals China’s total cover up on Danish TV Read More »

World record in number of P-values in a randomised clinical trial?

In a double-blind trial from Japan in 158 patients with rheumatoid arthritis comparing two nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tolfenamic acid and indomethacin, 857 significance tests were reported.1 There were analyses of baseline data, multiple benefits and harms outcomes, subgroup analyses based on patient characteristics, control visits, etc. World record in number of P-values

World record in number of P-values in a randomised clinical trial? Read More »

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not have anti-inflammatory effects

These drugs are analgesics, but doctors falsely believe that they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They very often use them in combination with paracetamol because of this belief, even when randomised trials have failed to find an additional effect of the combination compared to using paracetamol alone. I have explained in two of my books

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not have anti-inflammatory effects Read More »