Support historic trial about human rights violations in psychiatry

Translation from Norwegian

Every crown goes directly to expenses related to the trial.

The money collected goes directly to cover the costs of a court case against the state for human rights violations. The trial starts on 19 November in Oslo District Court.

Survivor of forced psychiatry sues the state for violation of human rights

For the first time, the state, represented by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, is sued for human rights violations in relation to forced psychiatric treatment in Norway. This case is the first to come before the court from ICJ-Norway’s (the Norwegian branch of the International Commission of Jurists) pro bono group for human rights cases related to coercion in mental health care.

Inger-Mari Eidsvik is the plaintiff who has been exposed to repeated human rights violations during the implementation of compulsory mental health care. She has been subjected to forced medication and isolation in the period 1988 – 2016. The plaintiff demanded in a summons dated 03/09/2021 that it be confirmed that her rights under the Constitution and several human rights conventions Norway is bound by have been violated.  She demanded further compensation for these violations.

The Supreme Court decided on 03/05/2024 that the lawsuit be brought for the coercive measures implemented in 2013 and later.

The matter is of great importance. Several thousand people are forcibly treated in mental health care every year, and unfortunately very few have the opportunity to have their case assessed by the court. Through this case, the spotlight will be put on the state’s responsibility for the concrete compliance with human rights in psychiatry. It is about the right not to be subjected to inhumane treatment, and that basic human rights must protect us, also in mental health care.

Both Inger-Mari and the team helping her are determined to take the case all the way through the legal system, and also internationally, if necessary.

Hundreds of free working hours have already been put in by ICJ-Norway’s pro bono group, the lawyers and other supporters, and everyone will continue to do so in the future. There are still expenses that must be covered: for example travel expenses, court fees and other preparations. Inger-Mari Eidsvik particularly wants Dr. Peter Gøtzsche to be brought as a witness in the case, and that he be given the opportunity to appear physically in the courtroom at the Oslo District Court.

Going to court against the state is David against Goliath, since the state has great resources and a lot of power.

Fortunately, we have many good people on the team. The cases will be led by Føniks Advokater and Professor Mads Andenæs, with support from the ICJ’s pro bono group, including former Supreme Court Judge Ketil Lund.

We hope you will also join the team and make a contribution, big or small. Economy will not stop us this time!

Every crown goes directly to legal aid.

The organizations WSO – We Shall Overcome – and Hvite Ørn are behind this call for donations. charges a fee of 6.5% of the amount collected. If more money than necessary comes in, the money will go to the legal aid fund of the Human Rights Foundation ReDo to support other cases of human rights violations related to psychiatric coercion.
